Mid-Valley Education Collaborative
The Mid-Valley Educator Collaborative (MVEC) is a regional group of school districts, colleges, universities, community colleges, and an Education Service District seeking to jointly identify challenges, design solutions, braid funding, and ultimately solve problems relative to educator workforce development in the mid-Willamette Valley in Oregon. As educators, we care deeply about the preparation, development, and support of teachers as we know few things matter more than having excellent teachers working with children every day.
Core Values
The MVEC holds several core values in doing our work together including: (a) seeking systems change; (b) seeking evidence to help guide our actions; (c) sharing data across agencies and organizations; (d) braiding resources to help solve problems more effectively, and; (e) centering our work with an anti-racist, equity stance. We believe that we can solve problems more effectively working together on shared problems of interest. We are not in competition with one another, we must trust that we all have best interests at heart and that we care about what is right for the region. We all have local problems and issues that must be met but we can share the work and be better together.
We have identified a set of goals and organized into committees to work toward these goals.
Regular meetings are held and agenda, minutes, and work products from each can be found in our archives.