Recruitment and Pathways to the Profession
Facilitate seamless pathways (both accessible and affordable) into the educator workforce that builds an effective and diverse workforce that matches the needs of our region including high school pathways, instructional assistant pathways, pathways that recruit increasing numbers of bilingual teachers, STEM teachers, special education teachers, and others.
Current members of this sub-committee
- Aaron Imig,
Corban University - Alma Morales Galicia,
Woodburn School District - Brian Turner,
Salem-Keizer Public Schools - Cecelia Monto,
Chemeketa Community College - Dawn Moorefield,
Cascade School District - Debi Brazelton,
North Santiam School District - Dennis Engle,
Dallas School District - Ella Taylor,
Willamette ESD - Jeff Brew,
Linn Benton Lincoln ESD - Kanoe Bunney,
Linn Benton Community College - Kevin Carr,
Pacific University - Mark Girod,
Western Oregon University - Steffanie Frost,
McMinnville School District
Preparation, Intentional Placements & Clinical Practice
Prepare new educators through intentional school-based placements, effective preparation, and site-based, clinical co-teaching practices in close partnership with schools, districts, and communities.
Current members of this sub-committee
- Aaron Imig
Corban University - Alexis Mendez,
Corban University - Bob Jones,
Salem-Keizer Public Schools - Brian Flannery,
Central School District - Cheryl Davis,
Willamette ESD - Davey Altree,
McMinnville School District - Hilary Brittan Lack,
McMinnville School District - Jen Kleiber,
Corban University - Marie LeJeune,
Western Oregon University - Zig Derochowski,
Western Oregon University
Hiring, Retention, Mentoring and Professional Development
Hire, on-board, mentor, support, and retain educators in our region while also continuing to develop new skills (and if necessary, new endorsements) including ESOL, trauma-informed practices, anti-racist and anti-biased practices, and other local needs.
Current members of this sub-committee
- Amber Ryerson,
Willamette ESD - Caleea Kidder,
Greater Albany Public Schools - Cindy Drouhard,
Linn Benton Lincoln ESD - Cyndi Ganfield,
Cascade School District - Karen Spiegel,
Salem-Keizer Public Schools - Kourtney Ferrua
McMinnville School District - Rachel Harms,
Corban University - Rynda Gregory,
Corvallis School District - Tami Dufault-Toomb,
Linn Benton Lincoln ESD
Data, Evaluation & Research
Use data, evaluation, and research to ask and answer critical questions relative to our goals, to more effectively target our efforts.
Current members of this sub-committee
Membership of this committee will emerge, as necessary to meet the needs of the other sub-committees. However, the following are standing members include:
- Amber Ryerson,
Willamette ESD - Brian Flannery,
Central School District - Cheryl Davis,
Willamette ESD - Ella Taylor,
Willamette ESD - Mark Robertson,
Western Oregon University - Pat Aldrich,
Western Oregon University - Roy Bunch,
Corban University
Steering Team
Lead our region in educator workforce development that contributes to positive outcomes for our children, families, and communities and effectively advocate for best practices, investments, and legislation that contributes to effective education workforce development across Oregon.
Current members of this sub-committee
- Aaron Imig,
Corban University - Caleea Kidder,
Greater Albany Public Schools - Cecelia Monto,
Chemeketa Community College - Dawn Moorefield,
Cascade School District - Debi Brazelton,
North Santiam School District - Ella Taylor,
Willamette ESD - Jennifer Kubista,
Central School District - Karen Spiegel,
Salem-Keizer Public Schools - Kevin Carr,
Pacific University - Mark Girod,
Western Oregon University - Nancy Griffith,
Linn Benton Lincoln ESD - Rynda Gregory,
Corvallis School District - Steffanie Frost,
McMinnville School District - Steve Nelson,
Salem-Keizer Public Schools